
Decorating our Christmas tree - Weihnachtsbaum schmücken

Thomas und Rob haben uns auf dem Weg zurück von der Werkstatt am Samstag einen Weihnachtsbaum miktgebracht. Diesmal haben wir einen richtig schönen buschigen großen Baum. Er ist fast schon zu groß für den Raum aber dafür sieht er toll aus. Wir haben unsere Kugelkiste hervorgeholt und die Zeit mit schmücken und Weihnachtslieder hören verbracht. 

Thomas and Rob got us a tree on their way back home from the workshop on saturday. This time we have a really big and bushy tree that is almost too big for the room it stands in but it looks really good. We found our christmas balls and spent the morning decorating our tree and listening to christmas songs. 


Tannenzapfenwichtel gehören auch in den Baum - Imps made of pinecones belong into the tree

Miniwichtel mit Bart - Miniature bearded imp

Ganz oben komme ich nicht dran, das muss Thomas machen - I can't reach all the way up so Thomas has to put the ones on top in

Diese hübschen Figuren habe ich geschenkt bekommen, sie hängen auch im Baum - These handmade little dolls I got as a gift from my friend, they are in the tree as well

Fast fertig - almost done

Fertig - Done

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hello Angie! Your tree is very pretty. I love the red decorations, especially the walnut babies, the bird and the imps; and what a lovely St. Nicholas Day you had :) I used to try and play the flute more when my children were young. They would play a little bit also. Not so much now, though. St. Nicholas left us chocolate and clementines.

    1. Thank you, I love any christmas decoration, on trees or just anywhere in the house. :-) I played the flute when I was a child but until a couple of years ago when I played with my son I never played again and forgot all the musical notes. Now I'm learning it with Mumpel again and its fun. How old are your children? One of them has been to austria is that right?


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